Both our leather shotgun cartridge magazine bags have a detailed manufacture process. Raw materials are sourced, treated and then cut to size by hand and then stitched together using machinery for the bulk of the process. Our cartridge bags are made to last for many years, to do this we use the toughest materials. We take pride in our outstanding workman ship and attention to detail.
This leather shotgun cartridge magazine bag is made from a brown distressed leather. The distressed treatment of the leather gives an aged feel and look to the leather, almost a waxed feel. It has a supple feel to it, very soft to the touch without compromising the quality of the leather. All the straps are made from pure leather to match the cartridge bag trim. The stitching is a nylon thread which is waterproof and rot-proof and will match the leather trim. In stock have a wide range of different leathers for each of our cartridge bags, each giving a very different finish. We use only the toughest and most durable of materials on our products. All our fittings are brass and the inner lining of our gun slips is thick fleece.
Bought as a present but looks good
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